‘Are you stressed? Have sleeping problems? Suffering from a burn out? Unable to memorise, concentrate?’
Shiro Dhara- oil treatment on head
‘Are you stressed? Have sleeping problems? Unable to memorise, concentrate?’
Only a relaxed mind is able to concentrate, only a relaxed mind is able to remember, be alert, and be creative.
Shiro Dhara is an effective way to regulate hormones, regulate nerve function, aand regain your deep sleep.
Today driving to work, shopping, even walking on road can be stressful. These stress and strain daily accumulate
in your body leading to back pain, neck stiffness, indigestion, female hormone
irregularities, infertility, sleep disturbances, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, high blood pressure, etc.
All these can be avoided if you take time to de –stress through Shiro dhara .
So indulge your self- De-stress- relax & refresh !!!
Shiro Dhara, an ancient technique of pouring luke warm or cold liquids like oil, milk or a specific decoction on
a vital point on forehead for a specific time is a powerful way of relaxing mind.
All these can be avoided if you take time to de –stress through Shiro dhara time to time.
So indulge your self- De-stress- relax & refresh!!